Friday, April 22, 2011

Unoka's Honour

     For all my life, I've loved music. I'd much rather wield a flute than a sword. When I'm with my flute, I feel like I'm in paradise. And paradise is all I want to be in. I don't wanna fight for titles like other men, or toil in the flaming sun for the demanding king. I know I am not the definition of a successful man, and I owe every neighbour some money, but, my son, I believe I was successful in bringing you up to be such a great man. I have great hopes for you. I want you to become what your father couldn't be, become one of Umuofia's most revered men. You know, in this life, I haven't many regrets. Actually I only have one. I don't regret shamelessly borrowing money from my neighbours. I don't regret not planting my yams when the time was right. I don't regret eating and drinking away my days. But, my son, what I do regret is not being able to provide you with a better home to grow up in. And I'm sorry that when I'm gone, you'll not have inherited a barn from me, like other young men. But enough of that; let me tell you, son. A man must honour his tradition and the spirit of his ancestors. Even more so should he honour his gods. In the future, do not let anything sway you, even when your peer succumb to betrayal of their beliefs, lest your faith prove to be weak. Be just like me [smile]. All my life, my family and friends have been trying to dissuade me from my dream of music. But, I believed playing my flute would be what is good for me, and so I did not crumble to their desires. Therefore, even when I'm dead, I am to be buried with my flute. Even if I am to be left for dead in the Evil Forest, I must take with me what I have loved my entire life.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings~
    I enjoyed your monologue very much Michelle!
    I liked how you languidly paced yourself throughout the presentation and kept a calm and gentle atmosphere which extends to Unoka's character.
    Additionally, I like how you added strength (emotionally?) to Unoka even while he is portrayed a man that is weak and worthless to the Igbo.
    Great Job Michelle!
