Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why Xanxus is a Better Character than Squalo

     The characters Xanxus (pronounced ZAN-ZUS) and Squalo (pronounced SKWALL-O) are both from the manga "Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!", however, Xanxus is evidently a better character than Squalo. First, Xanxus is a better character than Squalo because the Squalo's first name is Superbi. If Xanxus is not better than Squalo, then he will become very angry which will cause him to fire his guns indiscriminately,  hit random people, and wreak havoc in the world. Guns are better than swords, right? See? You just said Xanxus is better than Squalo. Since Xanxus has always been better than Squalo, of course he is better than Squalo. Squalo sucks! If you do not believe me, Xanxus will come hunt you down. Listen, either Xanxus is better than Squalo or Squalo is better than Xanxus, and since Squalo sucks, Xanxus can only be better. This fact becomes obvious after Xanxus's character was introduced because the popularity of the manga increased. Therefore, Xanxus made "Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!" popular, which makes him better than Squalo. Only Cadia thinks Squalo is better than Xanxus, and she's the only one out of one thousand interviewed, so therefore everyone else thinks Xanxus is better than Squalo. This then supports the fact that Xanxus is better than Squalo because everyone thinks he's better than Squalo. In conclusion, Xanxus is better than Squalo because Squalo is not better than Xanxus.


  1. "In conclusion, Xanxus is better than Squalo because Squalo is not better than Xanxus." = Begging the question
    "If Xanxus is not better than Squalo, then he will become very angry which will cause him to fire his guns indiscriminately, hit random people, and wreak havoc in the world." = Slippery slope
    "If you do not believe me, Xanxus will come hunt you down." = Ad baculum
    That's right. I'm just cool that way, I have my own group :D ... Oh yeah, did I mention: Squalo > Xanxus (:

  2. "Since Xanxus has always ... He is better than Squalo." = appeal to tradition
    "Listen, either Xanxus is better ... And since Squalo sucks, Xanxus can only be better." =false dichotomy
    "Only Cadia thinks ... Xanxus is better than Squalo." = hasty generalization

  3. All I can say michelle... is...I need to read that manga LOL

    I like the part where you said that "guns are better than swords, right?". Is it really?

    This post made my day! Thank you =)

  4. @Danielle and Cad: Of course guns are better than swords. Xanxus can kill Squalo from a mile away >:]

  5. YOU . ........ ): I have nothing to say ):
